The water level in Mullaperiyar dam has risen again today. It's now 136.6 feet posing a threat to the lives and properties of thousands of people in Kerala.
CM Umman Chandy has written to his Tamilnadu counterpart Jayalalitha to reduce the water level to 120 feet.
Let us see what happens.
Government of Kerala is ready to give the same quantity of water as is being given now to Tamil Nadu.
Then what is the concern of Tamil Nadu Government?
Cost of building the Dam? Or Tamil Nadu Government fear that 999 years lease period will stop once Kerala build a new dam in Mullaperiyar?
If Tamil Nadu won’t allow Kerala to build a new dam in Mullaperiyar, then this lease agreement will cease to exist once this dam collapses. Now the Dam is 116 years old and it will not stand for another 883 years. So to respect the common interest of people of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, both states should reach an amicable agreement about this dispute.
It is notable that Tamil Nadu has not completed the construction of spillways even after several years. The spillway capacity is very important from the point of dam safety for as many as 50 per cent of dam failures in the World1 had resulted from inadequate capacity of the spillways. Tamil Nadu not only neglected this aspect, but also took certain measures that further jeopardised the dam’s safety. It allowed excavated materials to be dumped upstream of the spillways, that too to the level of the spillways.
There have been more than 200 notable reservoir failures in 20th century in
dams may survive 50 years or sometimes fail in 1 year too. Many cases reported in India itself where dams failed within first 5 yrs.
We are wagering with the lives of people to protect an archaic dam and the potatoes that can be cultivated using the water.
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