Sunday, January 01, 2012

Depression: Causes and Remedies

Ancient man’s enemies were animals and disease causing organisms but modern man faces another lethal enemy in the form of nervousness inflicted by mental stress that is a by-product of hectic life struggles. When the stress and strain of everyday life (like financial, emotional and work problems) destabilize one’s mental harmony the result is strong emotional disorder and this state is generically termed as depression.

Because depression affects a person’s eating and sleep habits, the symptoms are more related to mood and behaviour. Depression can be broadly classified into three main categories namely major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorders or manic depression.

Many symptoms from mild sadness to acute sense of loss, loss of appetite, unpredictable mood (angry, sad, mixed feelings etc.), giddiness, body itching, inability to concentrate on work etc. are persistent indications in cases of depression.

Apple, asparagus root, cardamom, rose petals and cashew nut are considered to be good stimulants to fight against depression; they contain vitamins and minerals that will boost nerve disorders. There are also very effective ayurvedic medicines that can be used for treating depression. 

Brahmi (bacopa monnieri) tonic is widely used for nervous disorders caused by depression. It is a nerve stimulant and works better for disorders like anxiety and nervousness and thus a better remedy for depression. It rejuvenates nerves and brain cells and helps the patient to relax. One or two Brahmi capsules twice a day after the meal is the common dosage.

Depression if treated properly can be cured completely. But in many instances the disease is neglected and treatment is not sought. This may aggravate the situation and the health of the patient may deteriorate drastically.

Regular exercise, relaxation techniques, group activities and socializing with people of all walks of life, diverting attention from some particular topic that causes anxiety, meditation and yoga etc. can to a great extent control the bad effects of depression.

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